Journal of Computer & Information Technology


Voulume: 2
Issue: 2
Journal Paper Splitter
Article No. 1
Impression of Human Computer Interaction
Abstract :

The HCI impression includes the basic definitions and terminology, a survey of existing technologies and recent advances in the field, common architectures used in the design of HCI systems which includes unimodal and multimodal configurations, and finally the applications of HCI. This paper also offers a comprehensive number of references for each concept, method, and application in the HCI. Also Human-computer interaction (HCI) is the study of how people design, implement, and use interactive computer systems and how computers affect individuals, organizations, and society. It involves input and output devices and the interaction techniques that use them; how information is presented and requested; how the computer's actions are controlled and monitored; all forms of help, documentation, and training; the tools used to design, build, test, and evaluate user interfaces; and the processes that developers follow when creating Interfaces.

Keyword : Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), User Interface (UI), Keystroke-level model (KLM), Multimodal HCI Systems (MMHCI).
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Journal Paper Splitter
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